Happy July! It came in with fireworks and was full of fun!!!
Our garden is growing! And we have learned some important things to keep in mind for next year (I'll put this here so I can look back in the winter and remember!): 1 zucchini plant is enough, canelopes and watermelon will be bought at the farmer's market, 2-3 tomato plants and spray them with blossom rot, give peppers and cucumbers more space, and lots more pole beans and carrots!
Rose and I are becoming experts at zucchini bread!
Lily is growing up so fast! She is kind of in the lanky teenager phase right now and full of energy.
Not to be forgotten about Whiskers has found a new spot to call his own...usually he's in the window box!
Rose went to Dance Camp and loved that Miss Megan was one of the teachers!
We traveled south for a long weekend to visit cousins
And we celebrated 2 birthday's with friends both turned 6!
We've made sure to keep cool during all the summer heat!
Yes, and Justin is playing Pokemon :)
We made a trip to our favorite yogurt place
And we spent a few hours watching Secret Life of Pets!
I'm keep hydrated during the hot summer with lots of liquid :)
Justin had this awesomeness waiting for me after work one night :)