Let's start with the girls because our month was full of happy memories.
Although May had some rain, which was great for the garden, we took advantage of every sunny moment to have fun outside.
This about sums up Rose most days...Nana finds the perfect gifts :)
Rose had her first concert at school. There is something magically fun about watching a group of tiny people sing :)
Rose also participated in her 2nd piano recital. It has been wonderful to watch her learn new and challenging songs this year.
We had a family fun day at Tiny Town in Lancaster and Rose made lots of new friends :)
I also got to help out at Rose's first field day...man was it hot! but lots of fun :)
To keep it real Rose also had pink eye (aka stink eye) early in the month and finished out the month with her first cold sore ;( Plus we were both suffering from crazy snotty allergies...nothings perfect!
Now on to Justin...there were some highs and breaks ;)
Since I was still recouping from my broken knee Justin got to attend the kindergarten field trip, although there were some moans and groans, he had a great time! And so did Rose and her classmates!
The next day they went to the trampoline park and Rose had a blast!
Now onto the breaks:
Justin broke his foot at the trampoline park.
After some surgery with a plate and screws all should be well in a few months