February is a great month! After surviving 101 days of January, February seems to fly by!!
The weather still brought some snow, so Rose had more virtual days and even a closed day of school. She doesn't mind though because those days usually start with a sweet treat
and lots of cozy places to do her work.
When she has to actually go to school I get these cute pictures
And some days Justin is even done early enough to pick her up from school, those days make her really happy :)
We all also had some date days!!
Mom and Dad had some date days while Rose had play practice
Rose and dad had a date lunch while mom was at a training
And we all had a date to see the newest Paddington move :)
Rose also enjoys spending lots of time cuddling the cats
And we celebrated Valentine's Day with a countdown of reasons we love Rose
And this year we all chose a color for a present and then the other two family members picked out something.
Dad picked green, so we got him a set of knives with green handles
Mom picked purple and got some new fuzzy slippers
And Rose picked teal and got a new raincoat
Rose would say the most exciting thing of February was getting her hair dyed!! She had been asking for while and we finally went to get it done!
Rose loves the results :)
Now bring on Spring!!