Wednesday, April 1, 2015


So before we could enjoy Spring, there was still MANY days of snow in March and Rose made the most of it! I think no one enjoys snow more than Rose and Tahnee :)

This snowman was HUGE and the last little bit of snowman just melted in our yard ;(

Funny story...Rose used a chair to unlock the gate and get out, but then forgot to leave the gate open to get back in, we let her in :)

Rose still takes care of feeding the birdies all winter long.

Some cute kitten pictures (and it isn't that we don't love our older cat too, but he wants NOTHING to do with being in pictures or the new kitten!)

Best kitten ever!!!

Rose also got back to taking some riding lessons and had a lesson together with mommy! I hope there is lots of riding in our future (and daddy works overtime to pay for some horses!)

Food, we eat every day ;) Rose really gets the best when it comes to eating out because both Justin and I take her out and we all go out together. Her favorite place BY FAR is still Five Guys...she even plays Five Guys at home...

Milkhakes with mommy

Baking scones with mommy

...licking the brownie bowl ;)

 Frozen yogurt with mommy

Out for dinner and ice cream with Nana, Pop, and daddy

Mexican feast as a family :)

And to top all that off, what's one little donut?

We also celebrated Uncle Matt and Aunt Jenni's upcoming baby (who is probably going to arrive on Rose's birthday and she will LOVE her birthday present!).

Along with some other gifts I made a baby afghan for Matt and Jenni's little one and a matching miniature version for Rose to use with her babies!

Rose and I took some funny face while at Aunt Jenni's Baby Shower

That same weekend we also traveled 3 hours to VA to see cousin Regan compete in a gymnastics. Although it was a very long day, it was great to see Rose with her cousins and Regan was totally awesome and did great!'s what we do best!!!

Oh, Rose was making guacamole just like she had seen when we went out for dinner :)

Rose decided to have a sleepover with her babies in mommy's bed :)


and games

And we were able to be outside...not just in daddy's pole barn! Bring on Spring!

...but we did play in daddy's pole barn too!

Nana had a birthday! Happy Birthday Nana :)

Cute faces with my girl while mommy was at work! I love getting pictures from Rose, but it does make me miss her a whole lot :(

EGG HUNT! Rose loved collecting eggs and although I asked her a couple times if she had enough, she kept saying she wanted to get more!

(my silly little girl!)

We also went on a train ride again this year with the Peeps!

My favorite peeps :)

AND found an 'old school' playground after the train ride where Rose had her first true see-saw experience!!!

Bring on's sure to be lots of fun with 2 birthday in our house!!!
This tall little girl is going to be 4!!!

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