Soon it will be football season on Sunday, so the posting may have to move to Saturdays, just a heads up in case :)
Anyway, this weekend was much more relaxed than last weekend *sigh*. Don't get me wrong, we all loved last weekend with the extended family, but it is exhausting. This week Rose was back to her normal routines with Nana and Grandma, although both report that she seems to be teething and a bit unhappy at times... Since she still only has the one tooth, some more would be welcomed :) And as far as unhappy goes, Rose knows how to turn on the tears if she is not getting what she wants! I am sure she is in some pain with teething and we give her lots of cold things and even some Tylenol if needed, but she is mastering the art of a tantrum. She is not even 18 months yet, I can't wait till we hit 2 (sarcasm, just in case you missed it)!
This is Rose sucking on some frozen blueberries in a mesh-paci kind of thing that she really loves when her gums are sore.
Even if she is working on more teeth, nothing slows this child down. Rose is that child who is constantly on the go. She is happiest when she is on the move. Rose also seems to have incredible strength and will carry her table, chairs, and other items around like she is The Hulk :) But she does have her favorite play items that will hold her attention for 10-20 minutes, such as playing in the sink and dumping her ball pit. She will play a game on the ipad for about 3-5 minutes and she watches about the same amount of TV for us (not that I'm complaining, I really don't want her absorbed in computers or TV, it would just be a nice break for 10 minutes).
It makes me worry more and more about the 6-8 hour car ride to the beach in a few weeks.
I am planning on getting a couple new toys for the trip in hopes that they will keep her occupied for a bit. I made her an alphabet picture book and will reveal that to her on the trip down :)
She also LOVES to be outside. Days it is too nasty outside she bangs on the door wanting to go out; I don't know what it will be like this winter...
We did have a terrific Sunday morning enjoying breakfast with Nana and Papa. Rose LOVES pancakes with just a touch of real maple syrup :)
I also made Rose playdough...yes, I really made it from scratch! It's super easy and then I know exactly what she is touching and possibly putting into her mouth :) Here's the recipe I used:
It took about 5 minutes to make it and then I just had to let it cool before Rose could play with it. I had all the ingredients, except for food coloring on hand, so this batch is just plain, I will have to find some natural food coloring to try. It was hard to take pictures once we started to play with it, but I think Rose enjoyed it. We buried toys and stacked balls, which Rose then smashed!
I am sure there will be much more playdough in Rose's future :)