Sunday, May 4, 2014

70 years and new starts

It's been a busy week full of fun and change. I realize those two words aren't usually placed together, but let's be optimistic!

Rose has started with the BCIU for speech services. I think her first session went well and we got some new tricks to try along with some homework. (That said, we REALLY miss our 0-3 Early Intervention speech therapist.)

I also had my last week as an Early Intervention Service Coordinator :( About two months ago, I applied for another position at the company and after initially not getting the position I applied for, I was offered another position. Starting Monday I will work in the Crisis Department as a Crisis's gonna be a BIG change. Not only will I work with a totally different population with different concerns; after I am fully trained, I will work Thursday-Sunday from 2 pm to midnight (since I'm usually asleep by 11pm, we'll see how that goes!). The new position appealed to me for several different reasons, but mostly because I will be home with Rose more, especially during the day to get her to all her therapy sessions and do fun stuff :)

The biggest drawback of changing positions: I will really miss the amazing women I have worked with for the past 4 years!

Rose had a great week. 
She has perfected inserting the key and starting the Jeep, now she just has to wait 13 years and she can drive :)

Now that the weather is nice she has switched from playing with soap to sand...the kid loves messes (please don't suggest soap in the sand)! 

Did you notice that she was in PJ's in the last few pics? Rose LOVES her PJ's and it is always a challenge to get her dressed in the morning! Usually we just let Grandma or Nana figure it out ;)

Saturday night we met up with about 40 of my closest relatives to celebrate the 70th Wedding Anniversary for my grandparents! Justin, Rose, and I don't even add up to 70 yet ;) They were married at 18 and 20 years old. They went to the same one-room school house and lived close to each other growing up. Grandpa was diagnosed with diabetes in his 30's and at the time they didn't think he'd live past 90, he's still going :) They raised 4 children, have 12 grandchildren, and 15 great-grandchildren with another 1 due in June! They have experienced great hardships and great joys, through it all they have remained together and committed! I am so thankful they are my grandparents.
(on another Justin getting I shrinking...)

Here's hoping for a great week!

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