Tuesday, April 12, 2011

10 days and counting...

Well hopefully 10 days or less, BUT absolutely no later than May 6, 2011...
Fortunately (unfortunately?) Rose is doing very well snuggled in her womb, so there is no reason to coax her out and she will be allowed to hang out in there even past her due date if she chooses :) I am still optimistic that she will make her arrival on time, but I am SUPER thrilled that she is continuing to do well. At the ultrasound yesterday she was estimated to be around 6 lbs 10 oz and in the 40th percentile for her size. Her head was also very low and the doctor said her kidney's were very nice...AND she is definitely a she ;)
Also on a positive note, a BTI massage student is doing her externship at the Birth Center giving free hour massages...I had mine this afternoon and it was wonderful!! She will also let me come again with Rose after she is 4 weeks old to learn about infant massage, lucky Rose!!

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